Monday 31 December 2012

New Year 2013

As we are about few hours to step into year 2013, allow me to wish all my blog readers happy new year.
May 2013 will be a beneficial year for us although thousand of obstacles collided.
For me, 2013 will be my 1st year for living with my lovely family under one roof in Sg. Petani.
Surely we'll miss Ipoh very much.

Monday 24 December 2012

House warming - Taman Chepor Sentosa

Ibu and I planned this since a month ago. 
Everything was managed so humbly and as moderate as possible.
The event was successfully held; from tahlil (recite) until lunch feast.
Thanks to Ustaz Sazali for helping me leading the tahlil, thanks to my parents and parents in law for all their moral and physical supports till end of the event and thanks to all relatives and neighbours for willing to spend their weekend attending my house warming event.
It was an event to meet and to know my neighbours since the housing estate is still new and also we used the gathering to tell everybody that we're leaving the house early next month.
I still don't have time to upload photos during the event. 
Yong was appointed as event photographer.
I need to copy all shots from her Tab.
Here are some photos of pre-event:

Monday 17 December 2012

Gifts from The Almighty at once

What Ibu and I wish has become true.
The posting of Ibu from Ipoh to Kedah is happening.
To be honest, I was quite disagreed with the ad hoc call from Putrajaya in a first place.
Few session of "micro" quarrels between Ibu and I about her posting.
But after sometimes, I realized this posting is a gift from Him.
Why should I defy the call when I am praying for it?
Everything has been recce and firmed - house, school and nursery for kiddies.
Owh, Ibu is expecting a baby - Ad Din is going to have a little sibling soon.
So I've been awarded 2 gifts at once from Him.
Thank you Allah.

Thursday 6 December 2012

A reminder for bikers with panniers on their machine

Let us watch clip below the potential circumstance when fitting pair of panniers on our bike but we unintentionally forgotten having it while riding.

Becareful buddies!

Monday 3 December 2012

Life is short... and life is managed by Him

Please watch clip below and understand yourself on superiority of Allah SWT.

Life is so simple to be taken out by Him right?